When generating a layout, an important thing to check is your "Roads and Geometry" panel as seen below.
Equipment Roads- Horizontal
Width and offsets- you can set your road width and the distance of your arrays on a road from glass to glass.
Transformer roadside- you can select whether it is on the north or south, or you can simply have the system "Optimize" it for you.
Equipment roads angle- this can be set in degrees or automated by the system.
Tracker angle- this will determine what direction your arrays are facing.
Support Roads- Vertical
You can choose to ignore if not needed
Width and offsets- these settings will be mostly the same as above.
Max step- max distance between support roads
Existing Roads
You can bring in your own roads from CAD by making sure they have the correctly named layers, then select them and change to "Select Existing" to use them in your layout.
You can select from a list, from scene, or draw new. These options are similar to what we've already looked at with "Selected Area" in PVFARM 101
You can also edit these roads in PVFARM by selecting the one you want, then turning on the edit gizmo, and moving them or you can press "tab" and shorten or lengthen them.
Make sure if you generate layout again to select existing roads.